Like with any great craft, comes the need for organization. And Lord knows, when you sew, you've got your fabric, your thread, your needles, and of course, your bobbins. I thought those notches in the spool ends or grips at the end of one spool end (like the Guterman's brand) were ingenious! It keeps the loose strand of thread from unraveling off the spool and tangling with everything else.
But why, oh why, couldn't they have thought of something similar for the bobbins?
For years on end, my bobbin storage looked like this:

How did I collect so many bobbins?
A nasty, stringy mess of thread and metal. It looks even worse when I'm working on a project.
For the life of me, I could not think of how to tame this beast! I didn't want to blow money on another plastic case. They were already in a plastic case.
Until I came across this idea on Pinterest. Use those pedicure toe separators.
You know, those foam thingies you use to separate your toesies when you're giving yourself a pedicure. I admit, I don't usually have those things in my house. Which would eventually reveal that I don't normally give myself a pedicure...but I digress.
I happened to come across a whole bunch of fabulously colored ones at Michael's yesterday.

Lime green and watermelon, please.
And hells to the yes, I picked them up! They came with nail files and cost about $1.00 each. Can't go wrong with that. Recycle the clear plastic packaging; use the nail files. Can't go wrong.
So, to battle I went with the messy bobbins.

You shall not defeat me!
They fit perfectly in the separators - both the metal bobbins and the plastic ones!

Down with you, nasty loose thread! Just turned it counterclockwise and it was tamed. And the loose thread? Just rotate the bobbins until the ends are neatly tucked in.
Look at that. Doesn't that look sweet??!!! And here they are in my sewing box.

But why, oh why, couldn't they have thought of something similar for the bobbins?
For years on end, my bobbin storage looked like this:
How did I collect so many bobbins?
A nasty, stringy mess of thread and metal. It looks even worse when I'm working on a project.
For the life of me, I could not think of how to tame this beast! I didn't want to blow money on another plastic case. They were already in a plastic case.
Until I came across this idea on Pinterest. Use those pedicure toe separators.
You know, those foam thingies you use to separate your toesies when you're giving yourself a pedicure. I admit, I don't usually have those things in my house. Which would eventually reveal that I don't normally give myself a pedicure...but I digress.
I happened to come across a whole bunch of fabulously colored ones at Michael's yesterday.
Lime green and watermelon, please.
And hells to the yes, I picked them up! They came with nail files and cost about $1.00 each. Can't go wrong with that. Recycle the clear plastic packaging; use the nail files. Can't go wrong.
So, to battle I went with the messy bobbins.
You shall not defeat me!
They fit perfectly in the separators - both the metal bobbins and the plastic ones!
Down with you, nasty loose thread! Just turned it counterclockwise and it was tamed. And the loose thread? Just rotate the bobbins until the ends are neatly tucked in.
Look at that. Doesn't that look sweet??!!! And here they are in my sewing box.
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