Saturday, October 9, 2010

Organize your office & Improve your office Design

Just because you've used one office design for years doesn't mean you can't change it. Take a critical look at how your office desk is positioned within the room. Moving your desk can give you a whole new perspective and even make you more productive.

The most important feature of good office design is functionality. But too often our offices are crammed with so many office machines, equipment, supplies and pieces of paper that our small or home offices are completely dysfunctional.Do you have to move things out of the way before you can sit down and work? Are there so many papers on your desk that they're spilling onto the floor? Do you need to contact a search and rescue team to find whatever it is you're looking for? Then it's definitely time to roll up your sleeves and organize your office.You can have the most attractive, up-to-date office design available and still not be able to accomplish what you need to do unless you organize your office.These steps for an office makeover will show you how to organize your desk and your office space so that you have an office design you can both appreciate and work in.

Clear the pathways :

A friend had a coffee table in the middle of his office  which made moving from the desk to the filing cabinet a shin-cracking task for anyone without the agility and balance of a trained acrobat. As he never entertained clients in his office, the coffee table was only used when he set things on it. Moving the coffee table out gave him a clear walkway  and saved him a lot of potential shin damage!Are there furniture obstacles in your office design? Move them or move them out entirely. You need to be able to walk around.

Clear your desktop :

There now! Doesn't that look nice? An office design showpiece! Now the hard Part. Begin to organize your office By looking at your office desk and decide what has to be there. Your computer, obviously. Put it back. Your phone, definitely. Put it back, too. But what else?Look at all the other stuff you've taken off your desk and ask yourself, “Does it have to be on my office desk?” If it's not something that you use every day to make your work easier, it doesn't and it's time to find another place for it.The stack of papers you've been meaning to deal with? Deal with them and file them. The half eaten doughnut from last week. Ugh! You know what to do with that...

Get and use caddies and trays to organize your desk and your drawers:


Office supply stores and chain retailers have all kinds of plastic trays and caddies, including those that are designed to fit perfectly into a desk drawer. Use them to get your office supplies organized. Now all those loose pens, paper clips and thumb tacks have a place to go  and when you want one, you'll be able to find it.To further organize your desk, stacking trays are ideal for your “inbox” and “outbox”. They'll help you keep your office desktop neat and save space.

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